Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ibogaine saved my life.

Save a life, help today no amount is too small! 

Ibogaine saved my life. My PTSD was so bad I didn't just walk during night terrors I jumped 20 FT from my second story stair railing. I coded three times.

The PTSD caused headaches so bad I would have seizures and go into shock.

The opiates needed to control the pain were just part of my life. Not a good life for a mother of two.

I was unable to find a safe ibogaine center so decided to go it alone. My treatment almost killed me. I was inexperienced and accidentally took double the recommended dose. Think of it like shooting the absolute amount of drugs your body could handle without actually dying of an OD and doubling that.

I fought hard to live for the three days I was overdosing and merged a new person.

Now clear headed and with a new altruistic mission in mind I am starting a non-profit ibogaine clinic to treat both VETS and those who have fallen and cannot get up.

Please support me in my mission. Remember the universe always gives back what you put into it.

I ask only a single dollar ~ they add up and with that REAL CHANGE can be made.

1 comment:

  1. Drug addiction has always been a sensitive issue and for some, very dangerous too. It is a very dangerous habit if not treated on time.
