Friday, August 23, 2013

Hello All.

I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted.
I started a fresh detox on Sunday, Today is Friday.

It was awful. I forget how awful it truly is. I was sure it was going to kill me this time.

I had 8 Subutext pills left over from last time. I used them up during the first two days then the real pain began.
It began when I thought it was over, when I thought I couldn't take anymore.

My horrible experience with Safe Haven Ibogaine Treatment Center and its owner Charles Johnson sent me into an opiate consuming rampage. I consumed 70 MG of Dilaudid a day for about two weeks.

I am still here despite promising to die a shamefully lot and out of bed for the first time since Sunday. The fight has just began.
The very first email I had the pleasure of reading was a threat from Safe Haven for speaking the truth on my blog.

Here is the email that started my first clean day. Copy & pasted below poor grammar and all.

Not that I'm one to criticize grammar nor do I appreciate a grammar nazi and quite frankly I would expect nothing less from a 'man' who tries to barter, make that BULLY me into obtaining opiates to give him as a supplement to our agreed payment arrangement. He 'needed' them for his other patients, sure he did. .

Hey bitch,
We read what you posted about Safe Haven.  You beter remove it or we will sue your ass and make your live hell. You r lying about Safe Haven. 
We know where you live so u better listen.   Respond to us confirming removal of false acusations.
You have 24hrs to remove defamatory material.

The truth

1 comment:

  1. Please contact me so we put a class action suit on their asses! They ripped me off for over $10,000.00 and refuse to refund any money.
