Sunday, July 7, 2013

Safe Haven ibogaine treatment center scammed me - scary

Safe Haven Ibogaine Treatment Center ~ Tried to extort me.

Capo by The Sea a traditional Rehab center through negligence and substandard care almost killed me, I will post that experience tomorrow.
At least with Safe Haven I managed to avoid being trapped in their out of country clinic. 

Ok here was the deal. I sought Ibogaine treatment at Safe Haven. 

I learned and experienced some very frightening things.

Liquid assets are beyond tight for me.  A home I owe too much on and one paid off working car that the ex uses to go to work, take my son to doctors appts and me to my many hospital visits and doctor appts. I have a meager college fund setup for my son, I suppose I would use it if I found myself a homeless single mom. 

Charles the CEO at Safe Haven said I could work off my treatment.

I have an extensive IT background. I endless excellent references and a 100% client satisfaction rate.I provided my resume and letters of references from both employers and past clients from my IT/IS consulting business. 

After I did the agree upon work, even documenting each task and hours spent he demanded I ALSO give him everything I own too in order to begin treatment. A complete bait and extortion switch! He even demanded I lie to my doctor and get my regular opiates to give to Safe Haven. 

He is also refusing to pay the professional business invoice I sent to compensate me for my time, funds I earned and I could use to seek treatment at a reputable center. Over 90 hours of top quality work. 

Until he got greedy he said the finished work was worth the 8k treatment price. 

Charles said I was ready for treatment, I earned it and he could get me in next week. But then he attempted to fast talk me and extort every asset I have as additional payment. 

Here are some direct quotes flung at me by the CEO of Safe Haven, Charles Johnston. 
He was manipulative beyond reproach. 
  • Bring your car, you can get a ride back
  • Don't tell your doctor about getting treatment get your regular medications and bring them to me, I need them to help other patients detoxing
  • Your son doesn't need a college fund right now
  • Bring me the deed to your home
  • Giving up these things is part of the treatment
  • Ibogaine will allow you to rebuild and get better things
  • If you have a problem with this then your not ready for ibogaine treatment
  • Your refusal to part with your material things is prf yur not ready for ibogaine treatment
  • I'm trying to help you but you're an addict so don't get it
  • Just paying for the treatment alone is not enough to make you really get it, you will once you experience ibogaine

I have never had a client dispute services rendered or the high quality of my work. Safe Haven was satisfied with my work until I also didn't fall for the btw give us everything else you own too for treatment scam.

When he, Chalres the CEO of Safe Haven couldn't say I needed to give him all my assets to make up for some deficit in working off my treatment he spun it like part of my treatment plan. You need to be willing to start from nothing for ibogaine to work was one of the any things he said to try and manipulate me. Your not ready for treatment if you can't give what I ask.

In Summary: The deal was I would do SEO work under the direction of his SEO guy to earn my treatment.

I did every SEO task asked of me and self driven social media projects which I went above and beyond to Safe Havens benefit.  Now I must undo the potential danger I put others in by recommending they give SH a call! I am so sorry they seemed like a nice place with a CEO willing to let me work off my treatment, but that was just lies a way to gain trust to steal the assets I have and my professional experience and over 90 hours of it.

I acted under my business umbrella but as a junior developer and consultant instead of my usual Sr. Business Management Consultant and Lead Engineer functional titles which brings in a rate of 240-120 an hour depending on the actual tasking. Every client has always felt those rates were well worth it.

But I deeply discounted my rate to 80 an hour because I was happy for the opportunity to earn my treatment. I also haven't done a project in a while and would be doing what I was told by the SEO guy at Safe Haven so that was a fair wage to calculate the treatment earning arrangement.

In a nutshell: My hourly to calculate earning the 8k admission fee would be 80, not the usual 240 for SEO consulting or 120 for social media creation and maintenance.

At 94 hours completed I submitted my work breakdown. Enough to cover the non-discounted price of treatment.

People I have spoken to true professionals Eric Taub and Lex pioneers in ibogaine treatment and they said the above is absolutely not true. Trying to extort and take advantage of addicts seeking help is the opposite of what the ibogaine movement is about. 

After treatment you will need your car, home and any funds you can use to put your life back together. 

A doctor must not really be avail at Safe Haven because the medications Charles demanded of me (Diluadid and OXY) are easily obtainable in Mexico where the treatment center is or the CEO is a drug abuser and wanted them for his personal stash?

I had a neurologist and pain doc in Mexico for a while and got my meds at TJ pharmacies no problem.

I offered to put in more hours after treatment where'd I'd be in a position to speak to the actual process and what it entitled making my social media campaign much more valuable.But he then wanted that too and all my assets.

He rambled on about how I could just rebuild everything after treatment.

Safe Haven preys on the most vulnerable demographic and extorts everything they own, even bare necessities needed when putting ones life back together.

I spoke with Eric Taub and Lex at I Begin again and they were extremely supportive and said they would help me get the treatment I need.

I Begin Again said I will need a home to go back to a family vehicle and don't dare touch my sons college fund.

Safe Haven said part of treatment was becoming a penniless, vehicle less homeless single mother.

I learned the hardest of way that Safe Haven is anything but safe and the CEO will try to manipulate you into taking everything you have left when your mind is vulnerable and susceptible to his scamming lies and BS - even if it means coming back from treatment homeless, vehicle less and with zero funds to get back on your feet.

Don't get sucked in. They don't have even a doctor so they can get medications patients may need or Charles wanted them for personal use. Either way too many red flags. Telling me to lie to my doctor abut getting treatment so I could obtain my regular opiate medications for Safe Havens use was a very dangerous demand.

When I said No, he accused me of being a junkie BUT not wanting to lie to my doctor to get pills under false pretense does not make me a junkie. But sadly for about an hour and before speaking to the folks at I Begin Again I believed him, 'maybe I was just showing junkie behavior'. He is that good a manipulator.

There is noway I'd get myself stuck in a foreign country with these guys. I guess the constantly non-working phone really was a sign. I feel it would be irresponsible to not warn others.

Learning a lot of hard lessons about the so called resources who help addicts.

I know there are good places out there. Don't give up, I'm not and I will find a safe place for myself and others to go.

This blog is for everyone, not just my struggles if you have a story please kick me an email so we can talk about your ordeal and warn others.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is why more and more U.S. patients with chemical dependency issues look to international Ibogaine clinics like The Ibogaine Sanctuary for help.

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  4. I believe every word of this scam report, I was ripped off by them too. I had thought about returning to Safe Haven but changed my mind after several emails were not responded to and the cheap way they treated me. I held on thinking I would go back as they owe me treatment I paid for back in September...$10,572.00 (I bought my flight there) I don't trust them and wouldn't put my safety in their hands while undert he influence of anything let alone ibogaine. Instead of a refund all I received were threatening phone calls and texts from BB Pugliese, the owner of Safe Haven. My next steps will be not as nice as posting frustrations on the net. A class action suit needs to be filed as money was exchanged by all of us to safe haven via citibank in the states.

  5. Thanks

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